Following more than two years of detailed environmental work and extensive community consultation, EDF Renewables UK is now finalising its submission for a formal application for Dunside wind farm, located close to the existing Fallago Rig wind farm in the Lammermuir Hills.
In time for the application, which is due for submission to the Scottish Government later in June, EDF Renewables UK will be holding three public exhibitions in community halls in the Scottish Borders and East Lothian over the coming weeks. The exhibitions will provide information about the final designs, environmental surveys and assessments and will include drawings and visualisations of how the wind farm will look if the project progresses.
Members of the project team from EDF Renewables UK will be on hand to answer any questions at the exhibitions, which will be held as follows:
Tuesday 20 June 3pm – 7pm: Westruther Village Hall, Westruther, Gordon TD3 6NE
Wednesday 21 June 3pm – 7pm: Gifford Village Hall, Gifford, Haddington EH41 4QJ
Thursday 22 June 3pm – 7pm: Longformacus Village Hall, Longformacus, Duns TD11 3PB
Anyone unable to attend the exhibitions can view the exhibition information on the Dunside wind farm website after the events.
The final proposal to be submitted is for a maximum of 15 turbines of up to 220m to blade tip. The layout of the wind farm has been refined and reflects environmental survey information and landscape design work as well as feedback from public exhibitions and stakeholder consultations carried out throughout 2022.
Dunside wind farm, once completed, will generate around 108MW of low carbon electricity enough to power up to 62,600* homes along with significant funds to be invested in communities and projects in the local communities surrounding the wind farm area.
Richard Fisher, Development Project Manager at EDF Renewables UK, said: “As we reach the application submission, community engagement is one of our top priorities. Our aim, over the last two years, has been to engage with and listen to the concerns of local residents and stakeholders. This final round of public consultations is a further opportunity for anyone who has an interest in the development to find out about the potential benefits Dunside wind farm could bring to the surrounding communities and the boost it could give to the local economies.”
*Load factors based on the five year rolling averages on unchanged configuration basis using Table 6.5 of Digest of UK Energy Statistics – latest figures as per July 2022 release.
Email: [email protected]
Post: FAO Ruth Shewan, EDF Renewables UK, Atria One, Level Seven,144 Morrison Street, Edinburgh, EH3 8EX