Dunside Wind Farm Icon

wind farm

Since 2021, EDF Renewables UK has been carrying out environmental surveys and developing a proposal for a wind farm close to the operational Fallago Rig wind farm in the Lammermuir Hills in the Scottish Borders.

The Dunside wind farm application has been finalised and was submitted to the Scottish Government in June 2023, becoming a live application on the 4 July.

If approved, the Dunside wind farm, set in moorland in the Lammermuir Hills, will generate around 108MW of low carbon electricity.  The wind farm would establish a community benefit fund once operational, providing significant funds to be invested in initiatives throughout the local area.

During the pre-application phase of work, EDF Renewables UK commissioned detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies to guide the project’s design and provide an assessment of impacts to support the application. Specialists carried out a range of studies to inform the layout of the proposed wind farm. This included the input of ecologists, ornithologists, landscape architects, hydrologists, cultural heritage specialists and acousticians to provide guidance to the developing project design to ensure than impacts upon environmental, recreational and residential sensitivities can be avoided or minimised.


From the beginning of the project, EDF Renewables UK has been committed to listening to the local community and stakeholders and to incorporating local knowledge and perspectives into the proposed plans for Dunside wind farm. The responses received at public exhibitions and sent via our website have helped to identify issues of local importance and inform the final design of the proposed wind farm.

To view the planning application click here.

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EDF Renewables UK has commissioned detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies to guide the project’s design. Over the course of the past 12 months, specialists have been carrying out a range of studies including ecology, ornithology, landscape assessment, hydrology, archaeology, and noise impact assessments to provide guidance on the project design. This will ensure that impacts upon environmental, recreational, and residential sensitivities can be avoided and minimised. This important work is progressing to plan and it is expected that an application will be submitted to the Scottish Government mid-2023.

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Once completed, Dunside wind farm will generate around 100MW of low carbon electricity along with significant funds to be invested in local projects and community groups in the local area. Information about the project including times and locations of future public exhibitions will be published on this website, advertised in local media and communicated to community councils in the area. It will also be publicised on EDF Renewables UK’s LinkedIn page.

Dunside wind farm aims to be recognised as a force for good: generating renewable energy; empowering local communities and supporting Scotland’s net zero carbon targets.


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location :

The site is located within the Lammermuir Hills, within the administrative boundary of Scottish Borders Council. It is adjacent to the Fallago Rig wind farm, on the eastern side.

Dunside Location Map

current stage

EDF Renewables UK has submitted supplementary information (SI) to the Scottish Government’s Energy Consent’s Unit in August 2024. The SI follows on from the original planning application which was submitted to the Scottish Government in July 2023. The application was for a maximum of 15 turbines of up to 220m to blade tip. Following feedback and further consultation with Historic Environment Scotland (HES) there has been a revised design of the wind farm with a reduction of one turbine. The installed capacity of the proposed generating station now comprises up to 14 turbines with a maximum ground to blade tip height of 150 metres (two turbines), 180 metres (three turbines), 220 metres (nine turbines) and associated infrastructure. The SI (August 2024) and Environmental Impact Assessment Report (July 2023) are available to download here.

An EIA scoping opinion has been issued by the Scottish Government’s Energy Consents Unit (ECU) to agree a suitable scope and approach to the EIA.
The scoping exercise draws upon the expertise and local knowledge of a range of consultees including NatureScot, SEPA, Historic Environment Scotland, local authorities, and community councils, who are invited to provide feedback on the proposed approach to environmental assessment and topics to be included.  Two rounds of public exhibitions in Longformacus, Gifford and Westruther were held in 2022, whilst the project was in the early planning stages. Public exhibitions will be in early summer 2023 to share the details of the submission. Information about the dates and venues will be published on this website supported by local advertising, direct mail leaflets, will be communicated to local community councils and publicised on EDF Renewables UK’s LinkedIn page.