A series of exhibitions for a potential new wind farm called Dunside, in the Lammermuir Hills in Berwickshire, will be held by EDF Renewables UK as it seeks feedback from local communities.
A scoping process, to determine the content of an environmental impact assessment (EIA) in support of a potential future planning application is currently under way for the scheme, which would potentially be located on land owned by Roxburghe Estates.
Exhibitions will take place at the following times and locations:
- Wednesday 16th March 2022 (4.00pm – 8.00pm) – Longformacus Village Hall, Longformacus, Duns, TD11 3PB
- Thursday 17th March 2022 (4.00pm – 8.00pm) – Westruther Village Hall, Westruther, Gordon, TD3 6NE
- Thursday 24th March 2022 (2.00pm – 6.00pm) – Gifford Village Hall, Gifford, Haddington, EH41 4QJ
Over the course of this year, a variety of specialists will carry out detailed studies to inform the design of the proposed wind farm. Further exhibitions will be held later in the year, prior to the submission of any planning application, to provide updated detail of these findings and to give the local community opportunities to provide additional feedback and ask any additional questions.
Sarah Dooley, Principal Project Development Manager at EDF Renewables UK, said: “We’re looking forward to speaking to local residents about the potential Dunside wind farm.
“We welcome any feedback and questions any members of the local communities may have as we look to move forward.”
The Dunside wind farm team will be communicating with residents with exhibition information this week using leaflets, local publications and on the official Dunside wind farm website and social media channels.